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Showing posts from November, 2016


Since moving to montreal and starting my phd in September, I have had next to no time to blog or even take photos of my outfits. School is intense. It's the hardest thing I've ever done, and sometimes I feel like I'm failing at it. I'm doing okay though, and I'm not giving up just yet. I am a TA now! I have my own tutorials! Grading is the worst!! Also, side note, I have been taking accutane since like, July (a couple weeks spent finding my dosage which is 40mg/day) and my skin is the best it's ever been? Like I resisted accutane for so long and by NO means am I encouraging it for everyone to use. But I haven't felt this confident about my skin since like before I started caring about my appearance (I can almost remember when it happened exactly, some time in grade 9 lol). I just wanted to share my skin success. I finish accutane at the end of the month, pray 4 me that my acne doesn't come back. I still draw on freckles sometimes Laur...