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feminist killjoy: a rant

A rant regarding a video I recently uploaded onto my youtube:

“feminists don’t really want equality” & 6 other myths about feminism

I keep getting personal messages sent to me on youtube from MRA's calling me scum and trying to tear me down but all it does is prove that their opinions are not worth my worry. i am always open to critical debate and i can defend my views but only when it is appropriate (ie. has SOME basis for its truth other than a feminist-hating forum on reddit). Feminism really is for everyone - it is FAR from a perfect movement but its ideology is morally sound. 

MRAs are upset with the lack of male resources - that's a result of patriarchy, not feminism. MRAs tell me what i'm REALLY for is "humanism." i'm confused, mistaken. feminism isn't what i think it is.
But no, i am for the feminism that i identify with. 
I call myself a feminist and not a "humanist" because humanist erases the specific aim of fighting gender inequality (for all gender, but gender) - it erases a (troubled and often problematic) history to which i feel somehow connected in that i have, myself, been greatly privileged by the lives devoted to my equal treatment.
It's my turn now to carry the torch, so to speak. To speak even when i am not  spoken to; to shut up and listen when experiences that ought to be known can be heard.
Feminism gives women a narrative voice for our history - it is rapidly growing and changing one, and one that i hope will in the future be more inclusive and progressive, but a feminist narrative all the while. There are systemic power structures at play here and they must be addressed in order to be undermined. 
My feminism is not at the expense of men. It is at the expense of patriarchy - there is a difference.



  1. So sorry this happens to you. Keep fighting the good fight Celia. Your resolve is admirable.

    1. It's definitely not your fault, sweetheart. I could kiss you, you're so kind! XX

  2. Love this and love you. Your ability to concisely provide a well considered, strong argument and do so in a way that is positive is amazing!

    1. Ah! That's what a philosophy degree will get you, I guess! Thank you immensely!! So so much love to you XO

  3. You really are an inspiration and have such a way with words!

    1. Thank you so much - that means the world to me!!!

  4. honestly, i love your videos: they're informative and it's what truly introduced me to feminism and the whole movement behind it.
    i'm glad you aren't letting their comments hurt you. you're seriously inspiring!

    1. Thank you. It's hard not to let it hurt me. The comments do hurt me sometimes, and the incessant personal messages telling me to kill myself don't help. But comments from lovely people like you remind me why I even try to talk about feminism. I'm so thankful for you. XO

  5. It's the 4th wave of feminism, and your voice is important, we have to be strong and share our opinion even when its not 'appreciated or wanted' fuck inequality and trolls! I will fight for my reproductive rights, equal pay, respect, freeing pussy riot, lgbt rights because this stuff is bullshit but hey (well behaved women seldom make history) xox natalie

    1. Well said!!!! You rule! Thank you for being an inspiring human and being on my (our) side of the fight for equality. You're rad <3

  6. Keep strong, your videos are always so intelligent and they are contributing greatly to modern feminism. MRA's are one of the biggest problems about youtube, and i'm not sure how that will ever be solved. They're just relentless. But anyway, just know that you have hundreds of follwers and supporters.

    1. Thank you love!! I don't know if it will ever be solved, but I guess the best thing we can do is never give up our right to speak freely on Youtube just because they don't want us to have a space there. You're so sweet. Thank you for being one of my supporters! I support you right back!

  7. helllllllo i like yo blog. random q: you did stuff for girl-guts right? that thing "so you want to dye yr hair"? i had it bookmarked for a few months, but i just clicked on it and it's gone. is that blog over? andddd do you still have that post saved somewhere? thanks!

    1. I don't have that post saved :( I'm sorry! Girl-Guts was deleted, I think it's now being made into a physical zine instead!

    2. whhhhhhaaa, PRINT IS DEAD GUYS. ok cool thnx. do one fr yr blog if u can/want please please!

  8. Wow, I get worked up reading about some of the comments feminists have been sent from MRA's, so I can only imagine how hard it must be to have so many targeted at you.

    Keep doing what you're doing, I think your videos/writing do a great job of demonstrating what feminism is about today - inclusion, intersectionality etc :)

  9. I just lost my comment somehow! I'm not sure if it went through or not ... but anywho, I wish I knew how to express how much I appreciate this video. It's always baffled me how some people genuinely don't believe that all people deserve equal respect (in its every form). In feminism, and life in general, I see so much of everything as a game of power and insecurity. Some people with power and privilege feel threatened when those without that power and privilege question them (and the structure within society that benefits them), whether it's an attractive white male or someone else.

    I totally agree with your debunking of each myth. Keep going! :)

  10. I watched the video while nodding along to every single opinion you stated, you're such an inspiration! One of the main problems is that WOMEN believe these myths and that needs to be tackled before the patriarchy even start to believe it's all nonsense. So keep on expelling these crazy myths gurrl, you're rad!


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