Modern sexism is subtle. It exists in the passing comments and rolling eyes of those who believe we’ve already achieved equality. It manifests itself in the belief that the battle is won; that modern feminists are just whining now; or, more cynically, the belief that feminism is now attempting to gain an unfair advantage or prove women’s superiority over men. This form of denial, which occurs throughout the gender spectrum, ignores the evil genius of sexism, racism, and all other oppressive ism’s; that is – participation is not necessary to reap the benefits of privilege. The status quo has not shifted; women may have gained the right to vote but power inequities remain firmly institutionalized through class, economics, social roles, media and so on. One way to understand this is to examine a human right which is taken to be obvious. In North America, we are all afforded freedom of speech. It is written into the fundamental moral codes of our countries – there are eve...