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happy list

I have been having a hard time lately. My anxiety disorder has taken control of my life, leaving little room for any constructive thoughts. I am overwhelmed with bad feelings (for lack of a better description) and my mind obsessively focuses on what is wrong or why I don't deserve to be happy. So, in an attempt to counter-act my mental illness I will compile photos that make me smile. Here's my happy list:


  1. i hope you are better soon! glad you´re back to posting here xxx

  2. ah i'm so happy you're posting again! i'm really sorry to hear that your not doing well<3 <3 sending good vibes your way.(love the guinea pig & butter picture by the way)

  3. i also struggle with anxiety, i can relate. this post made me happy too! i just started a blogspot a couple months ago and i already like it way more than tumblr. it's less intense and more receptive to ~intense vanity~


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