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Ceal Ceal the Onion Peel as Beatle Baby in Skool Daze

 My dress is from Topshop, the jacket/vest is from Buffalo Exchange in NYC, the backpack from a small shop in Berlin that I cannot remember the name!! Keychain from my lovely friend Cilia. 

My (new!) glasses are Versace! I got them for way cheaper than in-store at 
MY SHOES, oh god my dream shoes have arrived!! They were gifted to me by Solestruck and I am eternally grateful... Seriously. Forever grateful. (The brand is TBA, from

My amazing pins are c/o YIPPYWHIPPY 


  1. Everything about your outfit is awesome <3

  2. Stunning as always! Your backpack is amazing :) xxx

  3. Amazinggggg! I love every single thing about this!!

  4. could this have been the shop where you got the bag? i used to live two streets away :)

  5. Wow I love those shoes, im seriously going to have to get myself a pair! And I love the pattern on your sleeves :)

  6. Your hair is BEYOND fabulous. I can't even handle it.

  7. omg!!!! everything about this is perf.

  8. CELIA I am so in love with this outfit and you!!!

  9. The shoes are wonderful! This outfit is really great :) I love the way you paired the dress with the jacket/vest!

  10. your shoes and dress, aaagh i'm in love

    Do you mind taking a second to check out my blog? I love feedback!

  11. omg i knew i recognized you from, then I realized I follow you on tumblr. I love your videos, your style and I find you absolutely beautiful!<3



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