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anxiety & exercise (plus a Pure Yogi giveaway!!!)

I've struggled with anxiety since fifth grade, and have taken to talking about it quite a bit on my blogs and youtube channel. Here are some videos I've made that cover anxiety & how I deal (in order of most to least recent):
regarding social anxiety
anxiety tips and tricks from personal experience
on anxiety about school, relationships & the future
me and my mom talk about anxiety & stigma
on self-awareness and anxiety
on mental health generally
anxiety disorder basics
a Q&A on anxiety
my very first anxiety-related video for youtube!

If you've watched any of these videos, you've probably heard me recommend exercise or some kind of focus on the physical. I've found that taking oneself out of the mind, and into our corporeality - in other words, when we touch our skin, take a bath and feel the hot water, when we go for a run or hold a yoga pose, our mind is given a break from the thoughts that tire us out day in and day out. If you have anxiety, you know how tiring it is to think and worry and predict ... yoga has been something that I find really helpful for this. It's not too exerting so I can do it even after a long stressful day at school (or before I tackle something else that makes me anxious), but it is challenging enough (especially hot yoga) to keep my mind preoccupied with the pose I'm holding, and the way my muscles feel, rather than irrational worries about the future
So, when Pure Yogi wanted to send me a sports bra & the opportunity to give one (or a piece of your choosing) to a lucky follower I thought - heck yea! and if yoga isn't your thing, you can still wear their comfy organic cotton clothes and feel good that what you're sporting is environmentally-friendly (and it makes my boobs look great!!)

Here's what you have to do to enter:
  1. like Pure Yogi on facebook
  2. follow Pure Yogi on twitter
  3. and on pinterest
  4. comment on this post with an email address to contact you! if you don't often check your email, and we're friends on facebook, you can tell me your name and I can message you there if you win!
The winner can choose an item from this page
I'll pick a winner randomly in one week - so, October 22nd! Goodluck, sweethearts! 

Here is the Pure Yogi bra I've got (that you can win)'s lovely and so comfy...however, this is a size medium and it fits pretty snug so I would assume their sizes run a tad small!

UPDATE: winner chosen! congrats Livy!!!


  1. Loved this post, I've been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder (with a sprinkling of paranoia) and all of your videos have helped me a lot. :)

    In regards to the competition:

  2. Thank you so much Celia... so many times I fight with my own demons and my future worries, lately I had bad nights, grinding my teeth so hard, talking at night, being angry while sleeping... your videos always help me. I'm trying to be calm and I will try to focus on some kind of exercise.! 4 the giveaway, or fb <3 xoxx girl, good luck always

  3. You never seize to amaze me Celia! You've given me the courage to accept myself for who I am and listen to myself and to stop ignoring and face my problems (many to do with anxiety) You'r a beautiful person inside & out. Thank you for being there for me (even if you didn't realize it).

    e-mail for the giveaway:

    I love you Celia! Thanks for all you've done for me and the world!

  4. hey celia! this is awesome. You are so courageous and inspirational. Im super happy to have learned a lot about myself from you! starting a sport has been so good to take my mind off things! its not yoga but this would still be an acceptable get up <3 love livy (we r facebook friends :))

  5. What an awesome giveaway - I liked on fb, pinterest and twitter! I am really impressed with your honesty in your videos - thank you for sharing!
    mermont84 at

  6. Your videos have always helped me, I'm truly thankful for the advice and help that your knowledgable words have given me! What a great giveaway!

  7. love it

    dezerieg at yahoo dot come

    twitter: @dezcordova
    fb: desaria gee

  8. I have read your blog it is very helpful for me. I want to say thanks to you. I have bookmark your site for future updates.
    treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder


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